Across the 'Verse: Lasonia | Revelations: Skirmish Game Supplement - PDF Format
Revelations Miniatures
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Lasonia has been locked in a war with the Corre Republic for decades. The Faustians that live there continue to defy the odds in the face of the most powerful military ever seen in the 'verse. Neither side has been able to secure a strong arm against the other, but neither can surrender their efforts. The 18th Krasnee Guard continues to resist, despite extreme losses of personnel and equipment. If they fail then the world will fall into the Republic's grip which would deal a crippling blow to all of the Faust Union.
Across the 'Verse is a series of small books intended to highlight planets of particular interest. Each book will include a general background of important information, this ranges from key moments in the world's history to economic and cultural details. Players will utilize this document to set up new missions for Revelations: Skirmish or to learn more about the rich history of their forces. Also included is a 4-part narrative campaign for players to
experience together.
Product Details:
Page Count: 25
Format: PDF