Generic Pirates
Brief overview of Pirates
"We'll take what we want and there isn't a thing you can do to stop us."

Pirates logo
The term pirate is applied rather loosely. It can include those who are stealing for survival or for riches. Some prefer the label of privateer or raider, but regardless they are someone who specializes in taking from others while not being part of a larger governmental body. They are far from a regulated militia or a formal military force. They answer only to themselves, and they are almost always regarded as a dangerous threat to peace and order. That is unless you are the recipient of protection or food resources that the pirates provide to you.
Piracy in the ‘verse has been around since long before humans ventured out into space and began colonizing other systems. At times pirates have been dwindled down to littler more than a minimal nuisance, but with the recent economic upheavals there has been a far greater number of those in need yet where they still have the means to travel the stars. This opens the opportunity to raid and take what is needed from those who have more.
Some of these pirate groups are seen as noble heroes like the Wild Foxes who steal to give to the needy. Others like the Ragers are seen as little more than a band of murderers bent on seeing destruction and violence spread as far as it can. All government officials will see these illegal raiders as enemies of the state and will move to fight or apprehend them when they can.
The Corre Republic has a strict no piracy policy within their territory. Inquisitors from the Bureue of Central Intelligence are regularly dispatched to locate and exterminate any pirate bands. It is often rumored on the stream, however, that the Republic will employ privateers to use their skills to harass their enemies. No link has been confirmed but it isn’t uncommon for proxies to be used to further a government’s desires.
Color Scheme
The painted schemes of pirates can vary dramatically.
Generic Pirates playstyle in Revelations: Skirmish
Generic pirates often are not made up of experienced soldiers. As such, their WarMechs often have lower Focus points. However, pirate hero machines will regularly offer buffs to their allies to make the group as a whole stronger. Additionally, pirates are the only faction in Revelations: Skirmish that have access to the Pirate Fortune points as laid out in the Core Rulebook.
New Player Guidance
It is not suggested that brand new players play as pirates. Instead, it would be recommended that you instead learn the core mechanics from the Corre Republic or ORCA. Pirates have more quirks in their forces and abilities that range wildly.