The Forgotten Rogues

Overview of the Forgotten Rogues

"We will stand against the Republic until our dying breath."

Forgotten Rogues logo


For decades the Forgotten Rogues have accumulated a larger force and have continued to stand against the Republic. While no one has been able to identify and locate their base of operations, it is clear that they are now producing their own equipment such as the Neuvich, and they are building strengthening ties with Haven and the Faust Union.  

The organization’s founder, Fredrick Leeson, had once fought for the Corre Republic Armed Forces as a WarMech operator. He climbed the ladder to the rank of legatus during his successful career. If you were to ask any of his closest friends and family, they would all say that Frederick was devotedly patriotic. He genuinely believed in the cause for the Republic reuniting all worlds and he wanted to see that glorious moment happen in his lifetime. Under Prefect Major Thadeus Caedis’s leadership, he increased the number of contracts available for mercenaries. After so many cycles of being in command, over time Frederick began to yearn to once again piloting his own mech back in the action. It was highly unlikely he would be able to see active duty inside of the cockpit due to his rank, so he made the move to retire.

His plan was simple. He would use his accumulated wealth from his career and his inheritance that he would form Leeson’s Rogues. They would acquire equipment at first from the Republic’s retired arsenal thanks to connections he had within the government, and then would continue to work their way up rapidly to having a diverse range of equipment from their operations. The Rogues were primarily used on missions to raid or strike other nations far behind enemy lines. They would go under the guise of being traders and would hit their target quickly and would be gone before so much as an alarm was set off.

As their reputation grew, the Rogues were given high profile contracts that most other mercenary groups would steer away from. One such assignment was to destroy a facility manufacturing ECHO technology on Covenant deep in Vortorian Federation space. The Federation’s president’s son happened to be touring the targeted compound during the strike. He was killed in the fighting causing a tremendous fury in the neighboring nation’s populus. Fearing the potential for a war to break out, Thadeus himself decided it was better to save face and claim the attack was not commissioned by them. Leeson and his men were publicly labelled as outcasts, and every single member had their citizenship within the Republic revoked. They were also blacklisted by both the Mercenary Monitoring and Review Committee and the Republic’s own Mercenary Observatory Board, leaving the Rogues nowhere that they could find work outside of the Republic either.

Having his entire existence shaken to the core, Leeson wasn’t about to have his legacy utterly destroyed by some legislator who had never even seen combat. After trying to go public with what happened the Bureue of Central Intelligence was brought in, and they quickly captured Frederick. He was executed as a traitor to the Republic just two rotations later. Before the Rogues could even react to the information, they were attacked by the RAF’s 2nd DSST. The ensuing battle was intense and both sides suffered high casualties. Surprisingly, the Rogues managed to collect most of their forces and escape into space. Before they were able to be disposed of in orbit, the Rogues hopped away. The Republic though, continued to hound the fleeing mercenaries everywhere they arrived. Frederick’s son, Sren Leeson, who had been a founding member of the Rogues took charge in the chaos and had them escape to Union of Stars space. He negotiated with the UoS that they would exchange information of the Republic’s military if they could have safe harbor. This arrangement did not sit well with most of the Rogues, but it was clear that their home nation had discarded them and now their life was in disarray.

Over the next few months the Rogues, under Sren’s leadership, repaired themselves and they began to formulate a path forward. Rather than begin again as a new mercenary organization, they renamed themselves the Forgotten Rogues. Instead of taking contracts from clients they would begin to establish themselves as a mobile fighting force that would look to get revenge for what the Corre Republic had done to them despite their devout allegiance. They would later become a band of raiders that would strike Republic government locations, destroying whatever they couldn’t take with them, while trying to avoid civilian casualties. Rapidly this thorn in the RAF’s side became a bigger and bigger problem. The Rogues were so proficient at rapid striking their targets that the 2nd DSST was called up once more. It was immensely difficult to locate the pirates as they seemed to never have a specific location they would use as a base. They would sometimes hideout in an outpost system in ORCA or the Union of Stars. Even worse, during a campaign to capture Laconia the Rogues showed up and broke one of the Republic’s supply lines leading to the failure of the RAF’s goals. The Rogues were rewarded with an ample number of salvaged machines and equipment that later became the Neuvich line of WarMechs that the Rogues produce. Due to the fallout on Laconia and a possible war breaking out with the Union of Stars on Bronze or Desmond the 2nd was recalled.

The Forgotten Rogues continue their mission of disrupting the Republic where they can as they continue to accumulate larger forces. They acquire new personnel wherever they go from those who have a hatred of the Republic and its reach. The BCI has attempted on more than one occasion to infiltrate their ranks and it has been met with failure. No one knows what the end goal is for Sren and his men, but they show no sign of changing their ways. For the past few months the Rogues have laid low and have not struck any new targets. It’s only a matter of time before they emerge and bring destruction with them.


Color Scheme
Dark grey blue with dark red.


Forgotten Rogues playstyle in Revelations: Skirmish
Unlike generic pirates, the Rogues are a very experienced group of raiders. They do not suffer the reduction in focus points for their own generic forces and will feel more like a seasoned military force. However, they will be a bit more expensive to field across the board. While their catalog is not as diverse as their generic counterparts, none of their forces have the patchwork keyword. 


New Player Guidance
It is a good idea to get more game experience with either the Corre Republic, Faust Union, or ORCA before committing to the Forgotten Rogues. The Rogues are a more difficult sub-faction to field for new players but, they will become a stronger contender as time passes and their catalog of units increases in size. They focus their efforts on striking fast and destroying their targets quickly. As such they work best when deploying higher damage units and focusing your attacks on either the biggest targets or eliminating as many smaller enemy units as you can to reduce the number of activations your opponent has as quickly as possible.