Corre Republic - Sentry WarMech - Revelations: Skirmish Miniatures Game

White Light Media

Regular price $13.99

After many cycles of development, the Sentry Mk I was finally ready for the battlefield. It was sold as the pinnacle of WarMech technology. Modular for different loadouts and needs. Versatile for fighting in various climates and environments. Easy to repair and maintain. 

Once it became apparent that over and over its developers at Saza Industries were failing in all tests, the Sentry was seen not only as a failure, but a money pit. More and more funding was thrown at the Sentry program but it did not improve the situation. When the Sentry rolled out it initially received high marks in its performance during combat. However, the glaring flaws showed themselves when it came time for repairs or upkeep. The Sentry Mk I was simply a difficult machine to keep functional. Due to the rapid wear and tear on the machines it meant parts became harder to come by on the farther outreaches of the Republic. Soon the Sentry was relegated to support far behind friendly lines, and then it was removed from the front altogether. 

The Sentry Mk I models still find use on the battlefield, but the Republic Armed Forces are trying to replace all of their inventory with the improved Mk II as soon as possible. This means many are being sold or awarded to mercenaries in the Inner Worlds while others are ending up on the black market. Generally the RAF would frown on equipment simply disappearing, but in this case, it is a quiet relief.

Product Description: 
- Includes enough parts and bases to assemble 1 Sentry WarMech unit for Revelations: Skirmish.
- This product comes unpainted and unassembled. It was made from resin and manufactured in the U.S.A. through 3D printing. Handle with care and keep out of direct UV light.
- This product contains small parts and is not intended to be used by anyone 12 or under.