Revelations: Skirmish - Faust Union Ubervelm - .stl files (pre-supports included)
White Light Media
Regular price $6.99
The Ubervelm embodies the Sturmhammer philosophy of overwhelming firepower is strength. Witnessing an Ubervelm unleashing a hellish volley of missiles and rockets down range is quite a sight to behold. The amount of destruction just one of these WarMechs can unleash is truly devastating. They often will become the target of entire operations from the Republic when the two nations are fighting.
Ubervelm's can be fitted with a variety of different arsenals and payloads. The standard loadout is designed as an all-around support unit that can rain down destruction safely from distance or it can barrage any enemy within its sight with a volley of rockets. A recent rollout of a new weapon titled the Splintered Droytik is a strange system. Located in a box underslung the arm mounted missile launchers are six large pointed tungsten cylinders. When they are launched they explode from a timer that splinters the rod into shards. They are particularly useful for extinguishing enemy infantry, but they can easily damage heavily armored units.
Product Description:
Included here are the following .stl 3D models for the Faust Union:
Ubervelm - WarMech
These models are automatically sized for Revelations: Skirmish scale. Supports ARE included.
This product does include pre-supported files. We strongly recommend opening these files in Chitubox. Due to the nature of 3d printing, we cannot guarantee these files will print successfully on your printer due to lots of factors such as your printer, the resin, your settings, and so on.
*All WLM .stl files are for personal use only. They may not be copied, given, sold, traded, modified, or distributed to any other individual or entity.
**There are no refunds for this product.
How to Assemble Juggernaut (Standing):
How to Assemble Juggernaut (Shooting):